MRI Call Scenarios

MRI Call Scenarios

1. No OR Cases. Emergency MRI called in.

o Start MRI with 2 nurses and recover patient like normal in MRI PACU

2. Emergency MRI followed by OR cases.

o Start MRI with 2 nurses.

o Your choice to recover patient in MRI PACU or transport to OR PACU (after awake, stable, however you feel is safest).

o MRI patient should be discharged back to ER/floor by the time OR patients come to PACU.

3. OR cases followed by Emergency MRI.

o Call in "3rd call” nurse (will be the nurse supervisor on call M-F)

o While 2 nurses are recovering patients in OR PACU start MRI with 3rd nurse.

o When scan is done if OR PACU is empty, recover patient in MRI PACU if desired.

o If patients still in OR PACU, transport patient with 3rd nurse to OR PACU (after awake, stable, however you feel is safest).

4. OR cases ongoing. CB called in for Emergency MRI.

o Call in "3rd call” nurse (will be the nurse supervisor on call M-F)

o CB attending starts MRI with 3rd nurse.

o Once MRI done transport patient to OR PACU with 3rd nurse (after awake, stable, however you feel is safest)

**I would recommend asking the RN with most MRI experience to help start MRI case if you only have the single nurse to help start. This should be a very rare occurrence.**